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2.3 Customising Voyager - Settings Part 2

2.35 Fastlinks

Fastlink Preferences

Voyager allows the user to define multiple Fastlink buttons. These are simply defined by filling in the button Label on the left, and the URL that is associated with it on the right.

Voyager's Fastlinks can be shown or hidden by toggling Show Fastlinks? in the Settings menu.

2.36 Net

Network Preferences

Here you can configure the Proxy Server Voyager is to use. A Proxy Server can speed up the browing of commonly-accessed pages, since it keeps the page locally on it. When a request for the page - say, www.yahoo.com - arrives, the proxy server simply sends what it has stored to the browser if the original site has not changed.

2.37 Cache

Cache Preferences

2.38 Security

Cache Preferences

2.39 Certs


SSL not only encrypts transfer of an online transaction but also "certifies" that the server is the one which it pretends to be. Thus, every SSL server has a "certificate", which is (cryptographically) signed by a "Certification Authority". Browsers now ship with a set of Certificates representing "Certification Authority".

Therefore, if Voyager hits a site which presents a certificate, it can look up which "Certification Authority" has signed the cert, then looks into it's database of known CAs and can compare.

You can edit CERTS to add extra certificates of new CAs, or even accept a site which presents a certificate which isn't signed by a CA, or by an unknwon CA (it will ask).

2.40 Mail and News

Mail & News Preferences

Voyager currently supports mailto: links to send email to people on the net, and can access an NNTP news server to allow you to browse Usenet newsgroups. Here is where you can configure your identity to show the rest of the world.

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